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another failure

Couldn't you have at LEAST put a preloader on it? And maybe make it you know... worth watching? I'm going to go with Ancrodius down here and tell you that drugs and games go hand in hand.

It's really good

Excellent work as usual, Weebl. But yeah, I really am getting kind of sick of these Cat Face episodes because they lack something (I can't really put my finger on it, I just know they have the potential to be really amazing and yet they need a certain element). I think I'll stop watching these on newgrounds, but if you somehow got it on a television network somewhere, I'd probably watch it just because it'd still be better than most of the crap that's on tv anyway.


Amazing voice as usual. Are you going to make more? Because I really think you should...


When I read "first flash" in the author comments, I thought it was going to be another suckfest like I've seen so often. You totally proved me wrong. For a "first," this is pretty good. There was actually some animation (even though there wasn't much drawing, which might actually be the reason this doesn't suck as bad). Anyway, nice work here and I hope to see more animation and original drawings in any future flash you may decide to make. :)

LazySheep responds:

Thanks for the compliments =D
It really means a lot for me since i`m new here. I intend to put more animations over here but this time using some original drawings.
Thanks again.

( + )( + )

YES! Finally a song with a message that truly SPEAKS TO ME! I congratulate you for making this masterpiece. Now I've got a new song to sing at random times:

"Hey johnny, can I borrow your pencil?"
"boob, boob, booby booby...."

TheBardOfBlasphemy responds:

hahaha... please do...

but if the titties start speaking to you... take a break :D

Dude that's awesome

Killer visuals and animation. Nice choice of music too. I really liked the animation when the alligator came in. That's better than pretty much most of EVERYTHING on newgrounds.


That's some good animation! Visuals need some slight work, but this is excellent as practice work!


I am pretty much awestruck. AMAZING NARRATION, AMAZING ARTWORK, FREAKING AMAZING USE OF ACTIONSCRIPT, and a nice story to go along with all that. XD

If you had animated that, I would've died right here from the awesomeness. So don't worry about me "punishing" you for "lack of animation." It's good enough already.

AdamCook responds:

There's a secret there; Andy Dennis, Nacho + Ceci, and DrNeroCF. They all delivered above and beyond in a short time-scale, and I'm so proud of them all. The story... aww shucks, thank you!

Maybe one day when we get megabucks we'll rewrite it, remake it and ANIMATE it, and by then hopefully you'll have a cure against death by awesome.



Freakin AWESOME. I also love people's reactions when you show them this video. I showed a friend the other day and the expression on his face--PRICELESS! Keep making more of these dude!

Not bad

Voice acting was pretty good, and the idea for this flash wasn't bad either. I didn't get a roaring laugh out of it, but it made me smile and that's what counts.

Stalagmite responds:

thanks! i really enjoyed making it. and the adding a c at the end was last minute believe it or not! it was only really a facility to get my voice heard. i am glad you thought my acting was good enough.
thanks for your support.
i will work harder at making my work funnier for everyone in the future.


Johnny @SilentJohn

Age 33, Male




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