Yup, this is probably the most awesome thing I can even imagine.
Yup, this is probably the most awesome thing I can even imagine.
It's funny because she's black
Not bad overall... but...
I think you made his legs too fat.
She is supposed to be thick. But I agree, these legs look too fat. I will work harder at conveying the difference in the future.
Good work
Despite the anatomical flaws in this work, I absolutely LOVE the coloring you did. The background, as simplistic as it is, looks nice as well and really brings out the epicness of the subject. If you don't mind me pointing out, however, the arms are a tad too short, there is very little elbow evident, and the curve of the ribs is unnatural (too round and curves into the armpit too soon). I'm not claiming to be any better, but I think I can at least try to offer some constructive criticism. I'd love to see more coloring like this :)
thanks, im aware that this work has some anatomical mistakes, good thing you pointed them out - hard to find a mistake in own piece.
Im not sure i'll be doing such coloring much, im more into simplistic styles. But i'll be doing some someday anyways.
I'd shiver HER timbers...
I'll bet she likes it in the ARRRRRse.
Keep it in your Crow's Nest, buddy.
If I said I didn't like this picture...
I'd be lion.
Oh you scallywag you!
How the FUCK was this rated at 1.50??
Anyway I gave it 5/5, so that should bump it up a bit.
Nice drawing, and excellent use of color. You're really good.
I dunno either, but thanks though. :)
Age 34, Male
Joined on 10/20/08